You will hear: You just need to trust in God! You just need to look up to Jesus? Meditate on the Word of God. Don’t be down cast, the joy of the Lord is our strength! What does that really mean? How do I really do it? What does it really mean? How can it impact my life? What does it mean to walk in the spirit? The truth is we hear all these great truths, but they just spending around in our heads.

4 things we need to know and apply it: Knowledge of the truth, faith in the truth, joy in the truth, and obedience in the truth. 

Knowledge of the truth: It is the beginning; you will know the truth about everything, it is important to know the truth, to be able to discerned truth and a lie. That’s need and the first in a Christians’ life.  And how we received it by faith. And it is you believing that truth then believing a lie. Knowledge of the truth, faith in believing in the truth. And that in a Christian life will always lead to joy.  The more you grab onto the truth about who God is, about what God has order rule for action, about what God has done, and what God will do in ending for you.

Faith in the Truth: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) So Christ Jesus is truth and He is also the Word (John 1:1, 14).  As Christians we believe that every word in the Bible is true; this is the foundation upon which we live our lives. Knowing what the Bible says about truth and hiding God’s word in our heart helps us to know when we are listening to the Voice of Truth. The more you grab it and believe it the greater your joy.

Joy is the center that energizes a Christians life and walk with God.

Last is obedience: Joy comes before obedience, rather then after. Joy is the result of obedience, Joy is the result of what God has done. When your joy is fixed on your performance, is going to be going up and down like the wind. Like the raging sea, double minded like in James 1:27 changing constantly.  But when it’s fixed on the result of God Himself, it is stabled.   

Knowledge of the truth: When I read the scriptures what am I looking for? Who is God. That’s my number one questions when I read the scriptures. What does it tell me about God, about God for me. And when what does it tell God about what He has ordered for me, about me, about my life. What has God done, in history, in the world and in my life. And finally, what will He do.

First thing is the knowledge truth of who God is when I am studying the scriptures. When the scriptures is describing this God and the things He has done wonderfully, and knowing that He is in control of my life, that’s what should bring me joy.

Jeremiah 9:23-24, Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindess, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the LORD. AMEN!


Tsee Vang